Wednesday, December 22, 2021



Hi, Confirmation Families!


Christmas is such a busy time.  Let's CANCEL the Confirmation Christmas party and potluck.  We'll do a potluck another time!


MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Hope to see you at church on Christmas Eve (services at 3, 4:30, and 9pm)!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Hi, Confirmation Families,


Tomorrow, December 8th, handbells will practice at 5pm; Confirmation class will meet WITH MENTORS at 6pm.  Katelyn Yeske will provide treats.


Sunday, December 12th, Katelyn Yeske acolytes for our worship service.  Confirmation will be in the youth room after worship.


Next Wednesday, December 15th, we'll have a pizza party from 5-6:15pm, followed by a concert in the sanctuary at 6:30.  You are cordially invited to participate in the concert!  It's not too late to sign up!

May 30th 2023

Dear Families,  Tomorrow, Wednesday (5/31/2023), SERVICE NIGHT at 6pm.  We will be painting stripes the parking lot and having ice cream f...